Hey friends! As we prepare for Addie’s trip to Delaware and I read The Choice by Nicholas Sparks- so I can share more about it with you next week- my writing is taking a bit of a backseat… but not my work!
I’m putting together videos here and there to share what I know about cloth diapering! I love all the questions I’ve been getting- so keep asking! I will answer right away (wash routine, favorite diapers, etc.) and I’ll keep making vids, too.
Thank you for checking the series out on YouTube and helping this little blog grow all over the place! If you have a cloth diapering question… or tips- PLEASE SHARE!
This is great information. I used cloth diapers when my two kids were babies.
I have used cloth diapers for almost four years now. My favorite style is the all-in-one. I highly recommend cloth diapers to any other parent with a baby in diapers.
Love AIOs. I wish we didn’t need to pack extra into them, though!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…I’ve written lots of letters…
Yay for cloth diapering! I used cloth diapers with my boys but not enough. So great for the environment and so stinking cute. 🙂
So SO SO cute, right?!
I really wish I would have gone with cloth diapers with my daughter. They are much better for the environment and for kid’s bottoms too. Maybe we’ll use them with our next one.
Ave recently posted…Comment on 20 Valentine’s Day Sweets for School by Esme Sy
Never too late to start!
There are sooooo many people who cloth diaper and it’s precisely because they find the right way to do it with the right products. Glad you’re helping!
Liz Mays recently posted…NINE LIVES In Theaters Aug. 5 – Kevin Spacey is Trapped Inside the Family Cat!
Thanks, Liz!
I have struggled to cloth diaper my fifth baby (I’m SO tired!) But I’m going to be re-starting, so I’m excited for your series!
Farrah recently posted…Developing Eco-Friendly Habits
Ooh! Yay!
I wish I would have used cloth diapers when my son was a baby. When he was born all I ever saw were plain white cloth diapers. The colors and patterns these days are so cool.
They really are!