This post was sponsored by Think About Your Eyes as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central. I received compensation as a thank you for my review.
When I think about my largest personal medical concerns, my eyes are always at the forefront. While my [slightly] expanding waistline and less than stellar skin are daily thought, my vision often goes unnoticed; pun, perhaps intended.
When I heard about the Think About Your Eyes national public awareness campaign I knew I needed to get involved.
Just a few years ago a dear friend of mine had a life-saving procedure on his eye that stemmed from a simple yearly eye exam. I’ll never forget driving from Rhode Island to NYC to meet him after… we wandered around the city that never sleeps, my best friend and I, never wanted to talk about what would have happened if he didn’t pursue this little anomaly his doctor found… something he’d never even noticed.
In those hours, walking arm-in-arm, the reality that I am in control of my health and wellness set in. Even when we care for our body, mind and soul, we have to remember the specific details that make up our senses. Our eyes are often overlooked in care, but truly, we cannot let this happen for our own well-being.
As the daughter to 2 glasses wearers, married to a glasses wearer who is the son of 2 glasses wearers, Addie and Millie are bound to be near or far sighted… or both (as both Dave and I are), so taking care of their eyes and being diligent about their care is high on my list, too! The Think About Your Eyes campaign promotes the benefits of eye health, urging people to get annual comprehensive eye exams; a message I, too, have promoted for years. While I keep my body running and cycling, it can be hard to keep my eyes fit, but like all our other parts, eyes need regular care to maintain maximum performance.
With my family history, getting eye exams are a part of my yearly visits- making sure my prescription stays up to date, my contacts are the best fit for my eyes, and my glasses are doing their job from day to night, with special consideration for driving and glare. In recent years, I’ve noticed headaches and tired eyes are indicators that perhaps an earlier visit is in the books for me.
By getting an annual comprehensive eye exam, eye problems can be detected at their early stages when they’re most treatable- whether it’s something like needing glasses, or needing surgery. Visit the Think About Your Eyes eye care professional locator to find an eye doctor near you and schedule an exam.
The info above really made me think about how important caring for my vision is, and considering how often we rely on this sense, making sure it’s as perfect as can be is key! Do you have a history that makes you worry about your family’s eyes? Schedule your visit today, and learn more about the Think About Your Eyes campaign on Facebook and Twitter.
My mom wears glasses. My brothers and dad do not. I started wearing glasses at age 9, contact lenses at age 16 and I got LASIK surgery done September 2012 which I love and so happy I got it done. I still have my vision appts but so far so good and my vision is better than ever. Eye health is so important.
SO true!
I didnt go to the eye dr for years. When I finally went back I had a lot of issues. Eye care is so important.
Oh no! I hope you’re OK!
So important! I know someone who had a brain tumor detected from a routine eye exam. It’s something we all need to do.
Woah! That’s almost my friend, Nick’s, story!
I recently went to the eye doctor because I am constantly battling migraines and turns out I needed a prescription but only a super slight one. I’m glad I finally went!
Oh wow! Me too!
You’ve guilted me into getting my eyes checked. I now I should be wearing glasses, but I haven’t put them on in several years. P.S. I love your white frames.