Good morning, Reader! I hope you had a beautiful weekend!
This week I am incredibly thankful for my ever-supportive family! I “raced” a 5k on Sunday, which meant Saturday packet pick up, specific dinner wants (as if I don’t already have those… #pregnancy), and an early morning rush to the races. All of my requests were met with a smiling baby and hubby who wanted nothing more than to help. Making sure I’d eaten, was hydrated and had taken care of me (was my hair up, sunscreen on, did I get to pee…). Being the spouse of a runner isn’t easy- you’re in for an early weekend, freezing and sweltering mornings that can leave you pelted with hail or burned to the bone, you are bombarded with texts about where your loved one is (although because you don’t know the area, you don’t know what that really means unless you’ve studied the map already), you’re responsible for being home for the kids so your partner can train, meal prep (don’t get me started)… and when that runner is pregnant and not allowed to train- you’re the motivation that keeps their spirits high and tells that that walking 3.1 miles is 3.1 more miles than most people are moving that day. (And after the race? He was dragged from store to store looking for a product I could not find AND then he helped me tear down the infestation of weeds that had taken over our yard. He’s kind of amazing… and our little partner in crime is a trooper, too.)
Without Dave’s encouragement, I’d be in quite the funk. I love being pregnant- except for the “no running” part. I want to keep my baby safe and inside, so I listen… but, like the child that lives inside us all, I want to pout about it. I lace up, pin my bib to my shirt and keep my head up. I may not sub-30 (hell, will I even sub-40?!), but I’m out there. Us mamas gotta keep moving!
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I LOVE my community… have I mentioned that before? Having a child with dwarfism has brought me friendships and enlightenment I know I otherwise would not have had the opportunity to experience. So… what do I have to offer to one of the most comprehensive sites out there? It’s what I want you to know:
Please check out the refaced Understanding Dwarfism website… and for a limited time- your donation of $20 or more gets you a t-shirt (while supplies last)!
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And here we are… I found THIS article a while ago. And I love it. I’m not a self-proclaimed feminist… but I’m a woman. And I will always believe that my genitalia does not define me, nor does my weight define me, nor does my religion, skin color, choice to have children, education define me. I’m hard to define, and I will never let one thing do so- but if you want, call me a writer, dreamer, lover. And if you ever want to tear me down for something like my clothes and ignore all of my talents, that’s your own issue with insecurity. Don’t try it. We ladies are not out there for open season. Appreciate our talents if you must, but judge us not superficially. In fact, judge no one. How about that?
Happy week, Reader!
lots of love,
Looks like you had a great weekend! I really want to try a 5k! And yes, you have so much to be grateful for! Happy June! 🙂
Happy June to you, too!
martinkadelux recently posted…#YesAllWomen