I love getting my LPA Today! magazine in the mail! I am honored that a submission I made was printed!
Because everyone is not a member of LPA, I wanted to share it here:
As I delve deeper into my role as a parent- as an advocate- I’m coming to appreciate awareness months, but not live by them, but celebrate them and utilize their publicity as a catalyst for every other day. For our community, everyday is awareness day, an opportunity to educate.
People are, in general, aware of differences, what they don’t know is what those differences mean. Until recently, neither did I. I was, as many are, just aware.Two and a half years in this amazing community, surrounded by some truly brilliant people, medical teams and pages and pages of information, I am just aware. I am aware that dwarfism exists, and at the same time, know not what that means.
I love the motto “I’m small that is all,” but that’s not all. At least not for us. Addie is small, and at the same time, she is not. Everyone knows my sweet Adelaide, as is common to our children- well known in their communities, primarily because of their differences. But she’s more than popular, and polite (she will shake your hand), and cute. She’s had multiple sleep studies, surgeries and has a team of doctors 300 miles from home. She has a 3 inch scar in the back of her head and hair that’s just growing back in from surgery. She can safely climb stairs- up and down- better than any average height child her age. She can carry and open a step stool, without assistance, to reach something she desires. She asks for help when she cannot reach something. She gets pushed for being small, already, but stands up and says, “NO!” firmly to the offender.
She’s more than just small.
Our community is full of differences, in forms of dwarfisms and in their appearance in individuals. With all of the awareness posts, I think it’s important that we, as a community approach this- not just once a month, or when it directly effects us, but take opportunities and create them, too. There are challenges our children face, our community as a whole, and while they are not defining us, they are there. We can broach these topics, or leave them as elephants in the room that we continue to ignore and gloss over. Or we can embrace them!
Becoming aware of dwarfism is understanding that some children will be incredibly healthy- they will still have more tests than an average child. They will still have a disability. Yes. Say the word, do not swallow it. Disability. (It’s not a bad word!) But being aware is more than knowing- it’s advocating- even when you don’t know it. It’s educating others about the “m” word, and they, in turn, passing on the knowledge. It’s talking to your child’s classroom, passing a law banning dwarf tossing, pushing for new ADA laws that are more inclusive.
There is a rich history of dwarfism, and while 80% of all people diagnosed with dwarfism are born to a family with no genetic history, 20% are! There are generational families with children of all sizes and experiences. There are stories yet to be told, unfolding each day.
Our community is not going to be recognized and respected in a month- but in the daily chores of our days- in the embracing of both the triumphs and tribulations that we encounter. Dwarfism awareness does not end (or begin) with the month of October, but is a time to host events, speakers and publish what we broadcast throughout the year.
I’m proud of our community for educating every day, and I ask you to keep pushing. No matter your relationship to the community, let’s spend this next month and the following after that, spreading facts by doing. Celebrate the accomplishments- in all their glory. Tell of the painful moments- because there are many. Advocate for better and patient-centered care, because there needs to be more education as to what our community needs are and how they differ. Get involved in making change- whether it’s local or national.
Welcome November! May you be just as powered by green as October!
Keep pushing!
Congrats on getting printed in the magazine AND thanks for all the hard work you do to raise awareness.
Thank you so much!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dating…
God makes everybody to be unique and special 😀
CouponGal recently posted…Carefree – And Savings Today!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dating…
A great step in creating awareness on Dwarfism. I understand the challenges these children face & what the community as a whole faces. I would definitely get involved & do my best to create more awareness. Thanks for an inspiring post.
All we can do is our best!!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dating…
Damn. You and Adelaide have been through so much in such a small amount of time. I love your outlook and empowerment that you live and teach. Thank you for the education and information!!
jenny temcio at dapperhouse recently posted…How to Be More Productive When You Work from Home
She’s my tough cookie, that’s for sure!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dating…
Dwarfism is something that I don’t know that much about, thank you for re-posting your article here (Congrats, btw!). It’s so important for people to read and hear information like this!
Megan Elford recently posted…Things I Didn’t Appreciate About My Mother Until She Was Gone
I honestly didn’t know much about it, either, until I started reading about your family’s journey.
I appreciate you ladies sticking around and learning more- it means more to me than I can express!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dating…
I’m so glad you posted this! It’s so important to raise awareness of things like this because the more people understand it, they more they realize that it’s normal <3
Angelic Sinova recently posted…Live from New York, it’s Saturday Night [SNL Live Taping]
YES!!!! Thank you!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dating…
Thank you for posting this and raising awareness that is much needed!
Thank you for reading and spreading awareness!!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dating…
If anyone deserves to be published in a magazine like this, it’s you. You’re like a SUPER momma bear!
Jennifer recently posted…Romantic and Feminine Bedroom Ideas
Oh my gosh, that’s so true! She’s fierce, and not just because she’s an LPA mom. She just IS.
Liz Mays recently posted…5 Reasons To Shop Online
Thank you so much!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dating…
I admire you so much. You show a strength of character, heart, and soul that is not often seen in our world today. When you’re confronted by the myriad of problems that have faced you, you just charge forward with a “get it done” attitude instead of just asking, “Why me?” My hat is most certainly off to you!
Melissa Pezza recently posted…I Am Heading to Los Angeles for the #McFarlandUSAEvent!
I’m so thankful Addie chose us- she’s the most kick ass kid!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dating…
What a special moment to be published for something that needs more awareness. Everyone can tell that you two have a very special bond!
Thank you!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dating…
How exciting for you – Thats incredible! Congrats!!!
Thank you so much!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dating…
Wow, how exciting for you. Congrats… it was a great post, as well… She has been through so much and you are such a great inspiration and advocate
Thank you! She has been through a bit, but she’s a toughie and I know we are doing just fine because of her strength!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dating…
How wonderful! Congrats! So amazing you spreading such awareness!
Jeanine recently posted…“Like New” Clothing From Perfect Threads Review
Thank you!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dating…
I love that you are such a passionate advocate. Having had the pleasure of meeting Addie in real life, I know she is awesome! Just like any other kid, but with much more cuteness! I couldn’t help but chuckle when she ran and slid under the shelf at BJs!! My two year old would do the same..they’d have a blast together.
She is hysterical… and a totally normal toddler- I love when that’s something people see!!! Next time, we will have to share samples in the store and chat! <3
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Hawaii #52WeeksA4A Week 4
Thank you for what you do and the cause you represent. Awareness will lead to understanding and solutions.
Shelley Zurek recently posted…Michelle Obama State of the Union Dress 2015
Thank you for reading more about dwarfism and educating all you can!!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Hawaii #52WeeksA4A Week 4
You have a beautiful daughter (and she sounds like one smart cookie) thanks for sharing!
Danette Lykins recently posted…Superbowl Sunday Treats!
Thanks, Danette!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Hawaii #52WeeksA4A Week 4
Congrats on getting published! What an accomplishment! Its all about the awareness and you do such a great job.
Jenn recently posted…Florida Foreclosures Can Get Better With New Fannie Mae Program
There’s always more to do- I appreciate you reading and learning with me!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Hawaii #52WeeksA4A Week 4
I’m so happy for you, congratulations. And you’re right, that beautiful little dancing girl is much more than “just small.” xx
Nicole recently posted…The Spa at The Grand Del Mar
SO much more!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Hawaii #52WeeksA4A Week 4
What a beautiful article and congratulations on having it published. Your little girl is so lucky to have you as her mother, cheerleader and advocate!
Thank you so much, Ellen!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Hawaii #52WeeksA4A Week 4
oh congrats to you to get published! Your story has touched so many and has been so informative and helped so many people come to understand dwarfism so much more.
Amber Edwards recently posted…Benefits of a House water filter like Hydrocare Dualplexx
I’m so happy that people are learning more and understanding dwarfism more!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Hawaii #52WeeksA4A Week 4
Thanks for sharing your story with us!
Brittany C. at Mom. Wife. Busy Life. recently posted…Pizza Night with Pizza Hut #FlavorOfNow
Thank you for reading!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Hawaii #52WeeksA4A Week 4
I think there should be more education on this subjects before college. It would definitely help to raise awareness and understanding. Congratulations on your submission being published! You’ve definitely taught me a lot!
Liz Mays recently posted…5 Reasons To Shop Online
I agree! Thanks, Liz!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Hawaii #52WeeksA4A Week 4
Congrats on your submission being published! Dwarfism is close to my heart, my friends daughter has it as well. So much more education and awareness needs to be brought to this subject!
Maggie recently posted…Budget Friendly Valentine’s Day Ideas
I love meeting other families! I agree, more awareness and more advocacy!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Hawaii #52WeeksA4A Week 4
Congrats on the article! It’s great that you are able to bring awareness to those around you.
Tess recently posted…What about your health insurance?
Yes, I really feel like it is great! Thank you!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Hawaii #52WeeksA4A Week 4
I love that you are a strong advocate for your daughter in hopes of bringing awareness to the world. She is beautiful! I love how happy she is in her cute little skirt. 🙂
Laurie recently posted…Savory Pancake with Asian Slaw & Shrimp
Thank you! She’s my light!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Hawaii #52WeeksA4A Week 4
She is such a cutie! I love that you are such a great advocate for your daughter and that you got printed.
Karissa recently posted…Bloglovin’ Blog Hop #105
Thanks, Karissa!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Hawaii #52WeeksA4A Week 4
That is so awesome! Congrats to you! What an honor. Your words are truly inspiring!
Mistee Dawn recently posted…I will be attending Disney On Ice Worlds Of Fantasy next month in Columbus, Ohio!
Thank you!!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Hawaii #52WeeksA4A Week 4
I can honestly say I did not know much about it, but feel quite inspired after reading this.
Brenda recently posted…In need of a Tropical Vacay
I’m glad you learned something! I hope that even people who are never directly touched by dwarfism just see it as nothing any different any way!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Hawaii #52WeeksA4A Week 4
Congratulations on being published – that’s amazing!
Shannon Peterson recently posted…What I wore // Mom Style
Thank you, Shannon!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Hawaii #52WeeksA4A Week 4
She is so precious! Great job!
Crystal recently posted…Places Not to Take Your Sweetheart on Valentine’s Day
that is so exciting. hopefully this opens the doors for more opportunities
Melinda recently posted…Parental control apps, how to protect your kids online
I hope so too!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Hawaii #52WeeksA4A Week 4
I am so glad I found your blog so I can learn more about something I know very little about. It is inspiring to see how you are advocating and bringing awareness for your daughter!
Sarah Beth recently posted…Baby Two: The Game Changer
Thank you for learning with me, Sarah!!!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Hawaii #52WeeksA4A Week 4
Wow. printed in a magazine. Huge in my book. I loved your post. Your daughter is darling.
Ashley Servis recently posted…Reese’s Spreads
Thank you, Ashley!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Hawaii #52WeeksA4A Week 4
Chelly, this is a beautiful post and an inside glimpse on the subject. You are right that more needs to be shared in the public arena to educate us all. Once a month or once a year is never enough. Kudos on your piece in the magazine.
Thank you so much! That means a lot to me!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Hawaii #52WeeksA4A Week 4
Thank you for this post! Seriously, your daughter is adorable and love that motto! I think most of us need more education about dwarfism.
Emilie recently posted…List Your Giveaways! {Linky Love #286}
Thank you for learning!!! I’m passionate about advocating and educating and love that others are taking the journey along with me!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Hawaii #52WeeksA4A Week 4
Congrats on the publication! That’s always an exciting day! 🙂 Your daughter is beautiful just the way that she is, and she’s lucky to have you as a parent to help her achieve whatever she wants!
Natalie recently posted…5 Plantations You Must See in Louisiana
She is my perfection!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Hawaii #52WeeksA4A Week 4
Way to go! It’s always fun seeing your name in print 🙂 Thanks for educating us all on dwarfism.
Homeschooling in Nova Scotia recently posted…For the Kids AND for You: The Ultimate DIY Bundle
It’s so cool seeing my name in a magazine- that’s my favorite thing about writing! Print!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Hawaii #52WeeksA4A Week 4
This is such a wonderful post! It is so important to better understand things better that we don’t personally experience.
Sandra @ A Dash of Sanity recently posted…Cake Brownies
Thank you, Sandra!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Hawaii #52WeeksA4A Week 4
Congrats on the magazine print! what an exciting moment ;o)
yaitza recently posted…Favorite Songs for Warm Ups and Stretching
Indeed! Thank you!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Hawaii #52WeeksA4A Week 4
Congrats on the magazine. I think it’s really interesting to see dwarfism being “exposed” to social awareness the way it is. For so many years no one talked about it, at least in my world. So, the fact that I’m hearing more and more awareness and understanding must mean there’s a rising tide of support. I think that’s great!
Debi @ Life Currents recently posted…Mushroom Soup
Debi that means so much to me. I am glad that people are so open to learning more. It’s not easy because dwarfism is rare, but I think we are making progress!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Hawaii #52WeeksA4A Week 4
So neat that you were published. You are helping raise so much awareness and your daughter will thank you for it!
I hope so!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Hawaii #52WeeksA4A Week 4
Way to advocate for your little girl! Adelaide is beautiful and will no doubt grow up to be a confident young woman thanks to her caring and empowering parents. I love that you’re teaching her to stand up for herself and to say “No!” to children and people who push her around, that builds so much confidence and independence which I think are essential for every little girl regardless of her size. Also, there is a great book called “Stand Tall Molly Lou Melon,” it’s about a quirky and awesome little girl who is much smaller than her classmates, but she’s got personality and she refuses to be seen as small. I read it to my second grade kiddos every year and it’s a big hit.
Sojourner recently posted…Honoring Ix Chel: Exploring the Mayan Ruins at San Gervasio
YES! I’ve been meaning to order that book off line! Thanks for the reminder!!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Hawaii #52WeeksA4A Week 4
I’m learning so much from your blog and your posts. You’re doing a great job raising awareness.
Tiffany (A Mom’s Take) recently posted…Easy (and delicious) BBQ Chicken Pizza
Thank you, Tiffany!!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Hawaii #52WeeksA4A Week 4
Congrats on getting printed. I think it’s awesome that you’re bringing awareness!
Camesha recently posted…Chasing Butterflies
Thank you!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Hawaii #52WeeksA4A Week 4
Such a great post spreading such awareness. Well done xxx
Rosie recently posted…Root Vegetable Slaw with Herby Quinoa & Asian Dressing
Thanks, Rosie!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Hawaii #52WeeksA4A Week 4
What a great article – thanks for sharing!! The more that people are educated, the less room there is for ignorance and intolerance. Keep doing what you are doing, and congrats!!
YES, EXACTLY! Thank you for reading!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Hawaii #52WeeksA4A Week 4
I am proud of you as a mom, raising awareness and being able to surpass all the surgeries and everything Adelaide has to go through, you are wind beneath her wings…
Icar (My CHarmed Mom) recently posted…Enter : Samsung Galaxy S3 Giveaway
Awe. Thank you so much!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Hawaii #52WeeksA4A Week 4
Very cool! You are the best mom to Adelaide! She is very lucky to have you 🙂
Lindsay recently posted…Chickpea Burgers
And I, her!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Hawaii #52WeeksA4A Week 4
Congratulations on being published! What a beautiful article about a beautiful little girl!!
Rebekah recently posted…Mani Monday Money Giveaway!
Thank you, Rebekah!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Hawaii #52WeeksA4A Week 4
Congrats!!! Go you!!
Jess recently posted…Weekly Wishes #49
Thank you, Jess!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Hawaii #52WeeksA4A Week 4
Congrats on the article, thanks so much for sharing this!
Lana @ The Truth About Blondes recently posted…How an iPhone App + A Minimalist Fashion Blog Help Me Find Fashion Zen
Thanks for stopping by!
Chelley @ AisForAdelaide recently posted…Dating…
Wow you got published! That is awesome! Great article, CHEERS to many more!
Winter White recently posted…Valentines Day Inspiration for Every Relationship Status
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dating…
You are doing a noble deed in creating awareness. Goodluck and hope you prosper more.
TweenselMom recently posted…Domino’s Valentine Promo – Buy 1 Take 1
Thank you!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A family member, I #52weeksA4A week 6