We’ve all heard it, for sure… “I love those jeans! You look great for just having a baby.” What? Stop right there, lady (I’ve NEVER had a man say that to me)… I look damn good in general. I shower many times a month (LOL), I own a hair brush, and my toddler’s teeth are brushed. I look darn good. Period.
But really. I am kind of over the for just having a baby that keeps tagging along at the end of every compliment I receive, so I’ve made a list of 5 ways I’m going to stop those comments!
1. Don’t bring it in the house. For me, if it’s not here, I can’t eat it. I am not a fast-food eater, so I don’t worry when I am out, but I am an “if it’s in front of me, I will eat it” person. There are so many opportunities outside the home to indulge, that I don’t need to give myself the same bad habits at home. I meal plan, stick to the list and shop on the outsides of the aisles as much as possible! By prepping what we will want each week- this includes meals and planned snacks- I’ve been able to keep my energy up, continue a successful breastfeeding relationship with my 6 month old, and maintain a slight weight loss each week. …and yes, I said snacks! Letting yourself go hungry will only lead you to eating poorly later. Find your balance!
2. Look the part. Not just having the baby part, the get it done part. Whatever hangs you up about getting a little workout in, see if there are steps you can take to get to your goal. For me, that means wearing my workout clothes during the day. Sure, some days I’ve just meandered around Rhode Island in spandex running gear, but more often than not, having my shoes on and ready to go means I’ve gotten the kids into the stroller for a quick walk, or even hopped on the elliptical I just inherited for a quick 10 minutes. I am also always sure to be wearing a Poise® Thin-Shape pad. While I don’t want to look like I just had a baby forever, I did just have a baby. Millie is under a year, which means my body, specifically my pelvic muscles, are still working their way back into shape with me. Knowing that if I pull over in the park to get a jog in with the girls will not result in any embarrassing bladder leakage is kind of super important to me! My new pads are extra important for LBL protection, and my old period pads? They’ve actually come in handy!
#RecycleYourPeriodPad by putting them in your running shoes to help your sweaty feet! I love doing this in my flats, too- saves them season after season, and keeps me from having to wear pedi-socks! Change out the pad in each shoe every few days, or after any high-mile runs, and notice how much longer the inside sole of your shoes last! Perfect for keeping those expensive trainers on the road!
3. Take a class. There are so many times I wish I could do something and then say to myself “but the kids…” In this case- BRING the kids. Mommy and me yoga is a great choice, but there are also lots of things you can do with the kids that won’t cost money- like the program Moms in Training with Team in Training. Getting a workout in, for a good cause, where kids are encouraged to join in is the perfect thing! Check local Facebook groups for family meetups, too! More importantly, though, is getting out of the house. Lots of classes and groups meet up for hiking and physical activity, but also mom groups that help you connect with other parents, expand your horizons and get the mind moving- which is just as important to looking your best!
4. Dance. This one sounds insane, but do it. Little bursts of energy for celebrating a successful potty day for your toddler, or when your spouse gets home early with the running man or even a leap in the air is fun, makes you laugh, and elevates the heart. Anything you can do helps, I promise. For me, I literally dance. Addie and I love to dance to The Postal Service record while Millie laughs from her exersaucer- we usually enjoy all of side A before taking a water break! Find music that you and your kids enjoy and get to having a dance party! It’s a great stress reliever, can be done in between stirring dinner, works out all of your muscles AND gives your kids a glimpse into your totally silly side!
5. Embrace it. Finally, just love it. I currently weigh less than I did when I got pregnant with Millie… but my body is not the same. There are rolling hills where there used to be flat plains. While the landscape is different, so is its purpose. This body is for mothering. It’s for late nights rocking feverish bodies, breastfeeding, playing alligator (Addie’s version of pretending I’m a horsey), getting poked in the eyes, grabbed by the scalp, kissed an inordinate amount of times. Sure, there are some things I could do without, but the wider hips, soft belly, tiger stripes, and LBL… those are just mementos of this awesome thing I did- twice! This body is different from what it once was and better than that, too. …don’t forget to grab your FREE SAMPLE of Poise® for LBL and #RecycleYourPeriodPad this Spring!
So… I do look good for just having a baby. Do you have any post-baby tips? How are you going to recycle your period pad? Share in the comments, please!
I gained a lot of weight both times I was pregnant, so I always took “for just having a baby” as a compliment.
I always imply in my own head “for just having a baby”… don’t need it nailed home. LOL!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Can’t get up? Let Neutrogena save your face!
I’m an ‘if it’s in front of me, I’ll eat it’ person too- it’s the worst when you don’t live alone and can’t control other people with, say, much better metabolisms *sigh* I once saw someone make slippers out of those old pads- thankfully, I use discreet pads now so there’s not excess bulk in my stockpile.
I shop with hubby… so he can’t help me cheat! HA!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Can’t get up? Let Neutrogena save your face!
That is so smart to absorb the moisture in your workout shoes. I’ll have to try that idea right away!
Liz Mays recently posted…DreamWorks Characters and 3D Fun at #DennysDiners Restaurants!
I love it for my old shoes- makes them last longer!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Can’t get up? Let Neutrogena save your face!
Girl you look great. Period. No “for just having a baby about it.”
Travel Blogger recently posted…We are 1 in One Hundred Million
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Can’t get up? Let Neutrogena save your face!
I never minded since I did gain weight and my self esteem needed to hear it 🙂 Just shallow I guess. I love your idea for in the sneakers, I know when I work out even my feet get wet haha 🙂 Thanks for sharing.
Laura (Another Cent Saved) recently posted…Super Easy Funnel Cakes at Home: Video Tutorial
Not shallow!!! <3
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Can’t get up? Let Neutrogena save your face!
I would have never thought to use pads for anything other than their main uses. I think this is a really neat idea! I may just have to slip them in my shoes and see how it goes.
Hope it saves you from sweaty feet this summer!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Can’t get up? Let Neutrogena save your face!
I was really never bothered by those words. I knew what they meant, and I’ve said those words before, as well.
Dawn recently posted…Easy Blueberry Cake with Whipped Lemon Frosting
I try to just tell people how good they look without reason. I think I just know that I’ll never be “before baby” again and want to look good in this body, regardless.
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Can’t get up? Let Neutrogena save your face!
Even though I’ve never had a baby, I can still totally relate to a lot of these. For instance, I HAVE to keep junk food out of the house. If it comes into this abode, it shall be in my tummy.
Jennifer recently posted…The Power of Home Equity
Amen! Here, too!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Can’t get up? Let Neutrogena save your face!
I try to embrace my new “mom” bod, but it is hard sometimes! Thanks for the great article and what a clever idea on the shoe pads!
It *is* hard!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Can’t get up? Let Neutrogena save your face!
This is actually a really good idea! I wonder if I will ever convince my teen boys that they should use them in their stinky shoes? lol
Just slide them in at night! 😉
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Can’t get up? Let Neutrogena save your face!
Well my baby is now 13 and I am still making excuses for my weight gain. I need to get off my “BUT” and get rid of this weight. I love your idea for recycling your period pad!
Kelly Hutchinson recently posted…DIY Decoupage Hanging Coffee Can Planters
The weight of motherhood, darn it!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Can’t get up? Let Neutrogena save your face!
I still use the phrase and my twins are now 6! But … twins. Yeah, they caused all sorts of damage. But, they are love!!
Tammi @ My Organized Chaos recently posted…Photographing a Cheer and Dance Competition #CanonL
Indeed they are!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Can’t get up? Let Neutrogena save your face!
What a great idea! I would have never, ever thought of putting them in my shoes but now I have to try it!
Jeannette recently posted…How Loss Taught Me the Importance of Life Insurance
Hope it helps your feet!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Can’t get up? Let Neutrogena save your face!
Potato Chips are my downfall. I don’t buy them any longer because I can sit and eat the whole bag all by myself.
Speaking of pads…. thank goodness I am done with all that!!!!!
Terry recently posted…The Evelyn Hope Collection ~ Unique Decor And Gifts
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Can’t get up? Let Neutrogena save your face!
I know that some people are so ignorant to others. For me, I never got those comments because I never looked good or up to society’s standards. I still have weight to lose, and things to improve.
We all do, love. We all do. <3
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Can’t get up? Let Neutrogena save your face!
Ha, ha, ha… I am just like you. If it is in my house, I will eat it. I am very strict on what comes in the house 🙂
I totally have to be. I actually just polished off a container of icing… because it was there. So. So gross.
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Can’t get up? Let Neutrogena save your face!
This is a great post. Thanks for reminding me to appreciate the differences in my body. I get frustrated because I actually weighed less immediately after delivery than before I was pregnant. Then I gain weight a few months down the road because I eat so much when I’m breastfeeding.
OMG Me too! I eat SO SO much!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Can’t get up? Let Neutrogena save your face!
That is a genius way to reuse those pads! I have plenty on hand too after twins!
lisa recently posted…Exclusive Look Inside Pixar Animation Studios #InsideOutEvent
I bet!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Can’t get up? Let Neutrogena save your face!
These are great tips!! I always hated that saying after having had a baby!! Never would have thought to put a pad in my shoe to make them last longer!
Vera Sweeney recently posted…Touring Pixar In San Francisco: A Peek At What It’s Like To Work For The Animation Studio #InsideOutEvent
I have no patience for breaking shoes in… I try to make them last as long as possible!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Can’t get up? Let Neutrogena save your face!
I bet those would be comfortable in shoes. What an interesting way to recycle them.
Felissa @ Two Little Cavaliers recently posted…Pet Insurance vs Wellness Plans
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Can’t get up? Let Neutrogena save your face!
I hate that phrase, and I did just have a baby! These are great tips, we have dance parties daily at our house!
Aimee Smith recently posted…5 Easy Ways to Interact with your Baby!
Dance parties are the best!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Can’t get up? Let Neutrogena save your face!
I really like the dancing one. I like to put my music on and dance around while I clean the house. Putting pads in your shoes? I never thought of that idea.
Aubrey recently posted…5 Easy Ways to Interact with your Baby!
We dance while cleaning… Addie likes to shake her booty while she sweeps. It’s a sight!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Can’t get up? Let Neutrogena save your face!
I will have to try that out with my shoes! Thanks for sharing!
Autumn @Mamachallenge recently posted…Need a Doctor? Mend is the App For That
Hope it works for you!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Can’t get up? Let Neutrogena save your face!
What a smart idea of putting them in your shoes! I bet it helps a lot!
It does!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Can’t get up? Let Neutrogena save your face!
great idea with putting them in your shoes for a little extra cushion.
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Can’t get up? Let Neutrogena save your face!
Oh the darn LBL! I’m dealing with it hard core now, and I know it will be in my future for quite some time – but thank goodness for pads like these!! You look awesome and strong mama!!
Mary Larsen recently posted…Choosing More Natural Green Products For My Family And My Pregnancy
Thank you love!!! I hope the end of pregnancy doesn’t drive you too nuts! <3
Putting pads in your shoes for sweaty feet is a great idea. There are so many great uses for pads i would have never thought of.
I love them for cleaning, too!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Can’t get up? Let Neutrogena save your face!
i agree with you – i have 5 little ones and my bladder has never been the same!
Mama to 5 BLessings recently posted…Semi-Homemade Monkey Bread Recipe
Children are amazing… but they can do a number on us!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Can’t get up? Let Neutrogena save your face!
I will be hearing those words in a few weeks.. Well, I hope I will hear I look great for JUST having a baby. I usually look like death becomes her.
Elaina recently posted…The HP Envy Touchsmart 15.5″ is at @BestBuy! Check it out! #AMDFX
Haha. No you do not!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Can’t get up? Let Neutrogena save your face!
Noone has ever said it to me but I have herd people say it. Neat idea to put the pads in the shoes!
valmg @ Mom Knows It All recently posted…REVIEW – Clarks Shoes – Quality Stylish Footwear For The Whole Family
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Can’t get up? Let Neutrogena save your face!